Asia Book of Records, the keeper of records for Asian countries, works under the World Records Union, in close association with various record books, including Vietnam Book of Records, Nepal Book of Records, Cambodia Book of Records, India Book of Records, Indo-China Book of Records, Bangladesh Book of Records, US Book of Records, Ukraine Book of Records, and Indonesia Book of Records, has its headquarters in India and Vietnam.
At Asia Book of Records, we believe that each one of us is born with some very special, unusual and unique talent that can make us stand apart from the rest of the world. When we recognize our talent, it sometimes becomes a passion. When we follow and practise our passion, not only we perfect it, but also inspire others to follow, that is where it becomes a sport. Asia, the biggest continent with 48 countries, has around 50,000 such sports out of which only 36 are now recognized in Asian Games and 28 in Olympics, which is less than even 0.00056% of the total sports. Rest remained unrecognized and unidentified till 2008 when various national books of records came together to create what today is known as ‘Asia Book of Records’.
This is a platform where the record holders of all major national books of records including India Book of Records, Vietnam Book of Records, Indo-China Book of Records, Laos Book of Records and Nepal Book of Records meet to compare, compete and claim the title of ‘Asia Book of Records’ Holder’. Today, the Asia Book of Records has a strong database of 40,000 entries.
Each year we publish the annual edition of Asia Book of Records, in collaboration with the WorldKing. Our annual book is widely circulated through all renowned online and physical bookstores around the globe.
To record, safeguard and validate the achievements of human endeavour for future generations.
We understand that every individual is having an extraordinary potential to accomplish certain tasks better than the rest of us. Asia Book of Records strives to preserve their unique achievements as a part of human history with the hope that the future generation will refer to it and get inspired to reach to the next level.