Author: ABR Team

A group of eight skydivers – Jim Culhane, Cliff Davis, Scotty Gallan, Walt Green, Paul Hinen, SkyHuminsky, Woody McKay, and Ted Williams – of Central Florida, USA, set a record by being the largest formation of 80-years-plus skydivers of the world during a 3-day event sponsored by the International Skydiving Hall of Fame Celebration, as confirmed on May 17, 2023.

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Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA set a record for being the first to develop self-administered, painless tattoos. They forayed into pain-free, self-applied ink build upon recent medical advances in the use of microneedle patches. These needles are downright miniscule compared to their more traditional counterparts and don’t leave a tell-tale sting, as confirmed on May 17, 2023.

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The Swiss railways at Switzerland set a record by launching the longest passenger train of the world on the 175th anniversary of their first railway.  It was a 1.2-mile-long passenger train consisting of 100 coaches.  The extra-long train weighing 2,990 tons was composed of 25 smaller electric trains, and travelled approximately 15 miles, as confirmed on May 17, 2023.

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Students and staff of Temasek Secondary School, Singapore set a record for organising an event where maximum people formed interlocking hearts. They formed a 954-people serpentine chain and locked their arms together with fingers making a heart shape, to show their appreciation for the teachers on the Teachers’ Day, as confirmed on May 16, 2023.

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The Bavarian town of Nördlingen, Germany, set a record for being the first city built atop a crater and riddled with diamonds. The city sits atop a massive meteorite crater. The town’s first inhabitants settled at the site in 898 AD, and by the Middle Ages, townspeople constructed a wall around the city to protect it, as confirmed on May 17, 2023.

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The SAF Military Police Command of Singapore set a record for maximum people doing flutter kicks together. A total of 820 of its personnel did a total of 56,000 flutter kicks in 5 minutes in Bay East Gardens, Singapore on the formation’s 56th anniversary, as confirmed on May 16, 2023.

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Sultan Kösen (born December 10, 1982) of Turkey, set a record for being the tallest man of the world. He is 8 feet 3 inches tall. His unique stature is caused by a condition known as “pituitary gigantism,” which is the result of an overproduction of growth hormone, as confirmed on May 17, 2023.

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