Author: Asia Book of Records Team

Kachhadiya Divyesh Kishorbhai (born on April 14, 1996) of Gujarat, India, is titled as ‘Grand Master’ for making the maximum number of bird nests with waste materials since 2018. The nests are distributed free of cost to children in local schools and surrounding villages. They have made and distributed 1200 nests, as confirmed on July 29, 2020.

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Prof. Dr. Aathi Jothi Babu (born on July 29, 1972) of Tamil Nadu, India, set a record for spreading awareness against viral infections in the maximum number of languages. He developed a patented non-medicine treatment titled ‘THE PANCHABOODHA’, which was transformed into a guidance script in 30 Indian and International languages, including Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Turkish and Nepali, for the betterment of viral affected (including COVID 19) people around the world. The record stands confirmed on October 11, 2020.

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Ayaansh Jain  (born on October 2, 2015) of Haryana, India, is titled as ‘Grand Master’ for identifying 130 famous monuments of the world including Ajanta and Ellora caves, Christ The Redeemer, Great Wall of China, Golden Gate Bridge, Hagia Sophia, Neptune and the Palace of Versailles, National Chiang kai-Shek Memorial Hall, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Neuschwanstein Castle in just 5 minutes at the tender age of 4 years, 11 months and 16 days, as confirmed on September 18, 2020.

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