Author: Asia Book of Records Team

Prakash R Jakathesan (born on December 2, 1979) of Perak, Malaysia, set a record for having the largest collection of tiffin carriers. He has a collection of 203 different types of tiffin carriers including Nyonya Tiffin Carrier, Brass Tiffin Carrier, Enamel Tiffin Carrier, Aluminium Tiffin Carrier, Thukku Chati, and many varieties at Georgetown, Penang as confirmed on August 8, 2020.

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Nasira Akhter (born on February 1, 1972) of Jammu & Kashmir, India, set a record for discovering a herb & NPL which is used to convert polythene to ashes without causing any kind of environmental pollution. She took 8 years, 7 months and 5 days (from October 1, 1999 to May 6, 2008) to discover this method. The paste of this herb is applied on the mounds of polythene when it is burnt, as confirmed on July 4, 2020.

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Mark Agarwal (born on November 21, 2016) of Odisha, India, is titled as ‘Grand Master’ for reciting the periodic table, identifying flags of 200 countries, 56 monuments, capitals of 59 countries, capitals of all Indian states and union territories, Prime Ministers of India, planets, 40 opposite words, 108 animals, birds and insects, 17 baby animals, homes of 30 animals, 29 vehicles, 14 flowers, 17 famous personalities, 20 sports, 25 parts of the body, national Anthem, months of the year in Spanish and identifying continents on the map at the tender age of 3 years, 8 months and 1 day, as…

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Darshan Gowda M.S (born on July 18, 1999) of Karnataka, India, is titled as ‘Grand Master’ for writing a total of 7,186 alphabetical letters in English to discourage ‘smoking’. He wrote ‘Smoking is injurious to health’ for 260 times, the word ‘India’ for 80 times along with his own name and his mentor’s name on a cigarette measuring 6.9 cm in length, as confirmed on March 26, 2020.

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Aadvik Srivastava (born on January 1, 2018) of Uttar Pradesh, India, is titled as ‘Grand Master’ for being the most intelligent cerebral palsy toddler. He recited numbers from 1-20, 18 shapes, 21 animal homes; responded to 15 GK questions, 60 opposite words; identified ten community helpers, names of all the continents, 23 pair matching; 18 differences between living and nonliving things, at the tender age of 2 years, 6 months and 22 days, as confirmed on July 23, 2020.

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