Author: abradmin

Necessity is the mother of invention. Hybrid bike is one of the latest researches which will give a new height and identity to the world of bikes. It has been formalized seeing the availability and scarcity of fuels which will make our daily movement easier.

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Dedication and determination have power to change failure into extraordinary achievement. An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. It gives a very good lesson for success that before taking any gigantic jump in life come two steps backward.

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A successful event depends upon a good planning and grand presentation because productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. At last, it gives a noble message.

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Teaching is the most responsible work of our society. A true teacher fills the youngs’ empty mind with knowledge and make them able and sensitive. His love and anger during teaching is the boon for students. Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

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If you work hard in your interested field, naturally you will get a brilliant result. Passion and planning will glorify your creations. Painting is a mental work where imagination plays a key role. Your performance speaks itself about your capability. Thiyakshwa Suresh Kumar (born on February 23, 2011) of Ashok Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India, has won 175 awards and Recognitions, certificates, medals, trophies and cash prizes won from participating in National and International painting competitions, as on April 19, 2018.

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A good awareness campaign always gives a good message, on the other side, it also enhances self-confidence and social recognition of all the concerned persons and authorities. This is the real sense of education which will teach you how to sustain a better life. The record for the most number of signature brand dresses displayed on a single stage by 100 models is 186, and was achieved by Sreekuttan V V, Founder, Calliope Media from Thrissur, Kerala, at Vimala College, Kerala, on August 4, 2018.

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Childhood is free from every tension. Generally, study looks burden for a child, but parents and teachers know its importance. Hard work opens door and talent makes the way easy to get success. An attractive study program which increases children interest in study, makes the program memorable. The record for the most number of Kindergarten students taking an OMR exam on a single day is 1,034, and was achieved by S. Prasath Kumar, Chairman, St. Joseph’s School and St Paul’s School, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India, on August 2, 2018.

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The record for summiting five mountain peaks in 15 days by a group was achieved by Rajneesh Joshi, team leader (born on October 28, 1980) along with 4 team members from New Delhi, started from June 30, 2018 and ended on July 14, 2018. The five peaks were Mt Yunum 6114m, Summit Pt 6113m, Summit Pt 6049m, Summit Pt 6084m and Mt Mentok Kangri.

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