Onir Jagdish Raut (born on May 11, 2013) of Maharashtra, India (currently residing in Qatar), set a record for solving eight different Rubik’s cubes while being blindfolded. He solved eight types of Rubik’s cubes including 3 x 3, 4 x 4, 5 x 5, Cylinder, Pyramid, Mirror Cube, Gear Ball and Megaminx in just 40 seconds, at the age of 7 years, 10 months and 9 days, as confirmed on March 31, 2021.
- Maximum Olympiad Exams Held in a Day at a Single Venue
- Kalaivani J. – Grand Master
- Longest duration to perform Haryanvi dance on nails by a teen
- Maximum Meals Served Using E-Vehicles in a Day
- Grand Master – Izza Mariam Jibin
- Longest duration to sing and play Carnatic music on an electronic keyboard by a child
- Maximum twist and turn hula hoop spins by a kid
- Grand Master – Rudransh Pradhan
- Maximum Doctors Pledged Digitally to Raise Awareness on Obesity
- Maximum Doctors Pledged virtually to spread allergy awareness on World Allergy Awareness Day
- Highest Bone Mineral Density Camps for Patients Screenings Conducted To Prevent Osteoporotic Fracture
- Maximum distance covered by a child on a stadium track as part of a daily exercise routine
- Grand Master – Shvet Devra
- Fastest teen to read 50 shlokas of the Bhagavad Gita blindfolded
- Maximum multiplication sums answered orally by a child while dancing
- Maximum elbow to knee cross crunches in one minute
- Maximum Distance Covered by an Electric Bus
- Maximum women students from the same college certified for completing an online course on financial literacy
- Maximum Depression Screening Camps Conducted by an Organization
- Maximum Camps Conducted on Bone Mineral Density
- Fastest child to identify the flags of one hundred countries
- Maximum styles of music blended in a single musical video
- Longest Human Chain Recited Bible Verse in English and Tangkhul Naga Language
- Maximum HCPs Performing Chair Exercises to Prevent Low Back Pain
- Maximum distance swam by a child across Vembanad Lake with chained hands
- Maximum hula hoop spins performed around both wrists in prayer position above the head by a child
- Maximum Uniquely Crafted Robots Cleaning an Area
- Grand Master – Muhammed Irfan K.T.
- Maximum HCPs Pledged to Raise Awareness on Osteoporosis on World Osteoporosis Day
- Largest Free Physiotherapy Service Provider Network
- Fastest Ride to Complete the Golden Quadrilateral on Scooters by a Duo
- Maximum Adventurous Activities Performed by a Septuagenarian
- Maximum magic tricks performed in one minute by an individual
- Largest expo curated by mothers
- Wildlife Conservation Day: Be The Change You Want To See
- Grand Master – Chandrika Rangi
- A Brilliant Milestone in Agriculture: The Tale of Satija Motors Pvt. Ltd. Achieving Extraordinaire!
- Maximum Doctors Pledged during Nutrition Week to promote Nutrition Awareness
- Maximum Cities Covered in a Hypertension Hybrid CME in a Day
- Maximum patients received voice messages to enhance Hypertension Medication Adherence in a day
- Maximum Seminars on Different Topics Conducted by an Individual