Avyanna Agarwal (born on March 15, 2017) of Telangana, India, is titled as ‘Grand Master’ for being the youngest to climb Sandakphu peak. She started the trek from Dhotray (with a group of 18 members including her parents and guide) on March 2, 2021 and reached Sandakphu peak (situated at a height of 3,636 m above the sea level) on March 4, 2021 (via Tonglu and Garibas), at the age of 3 years and 11 months, as confirmed on April 23, 2021.
- Grand Master – Abdul Kader Ridhan P. I.
- Maximum single – leg football juggles performed one minute
- Youngest to author a book on self-love
- Grand Master – Hadiya Fathima M. S.
- Maximum hand-walking steps performed by a teen in 30 seconds
- Largest Human Formation Depicting a Jet Plane and Honorary Phrase ‘Salute Indian Air Force
- Grand Master – Thamizhi Dominic
- Fastest child to cover 15 km on a stadium track as part of a daily exercise routine
- Maximum distance walked on a treadmill in a single day
- Largest painting of Ayodhya Ram Mandir made by students of an art institute
- Blinking eyes for maximum times in one minute by a teen
- Maximum hours spent in a car by an individual
- Grand Master – Agrim Varshney
- Grand Master – More Sanjaykumar Raghunath
- Grand Master – Pragati Shankar
- Grand Master – Rushik Vinayak Morade
- Largest rangoli of Shree Ram made by group
- Largest rangoli of Shree Ram made by a group
- Grand Master – Juan Christo Shiju
- Fastest kid to recall collective nouns of 50 creatures
- Maximum Neurologists Creating Awareness on Nerve Pain in a Day
- Fastest female child to complete the Chadar trek
- Fastest child to identify the flags of all countries blindfolded
- Grand Master – Sathwik Jith
- Grand Master – Ishan Biswas
- Grand Master – Muhammad Jazlaan
- Largest bike rally on an anti drug campaign
- Largest motorcycle rally on plantation drive
- Grand Master – Lata Udaykumar Kumbhar
- Maximum videos on financial literacy uploaded by a teen
- Grand Master – R. J. Livin
- Grand Master – Sai Dharshni Kamalanarayanan
- Maximum Olympiad Exams Held in a Day at a Single Venue
- Kalaivani J. – Grand Master
- Longest duration to perform Haryanvi dance on nails by a teen
- Maximum Meals Served Using E-Vehicles in a Day
- Grand Master – Izza Mariam Jibin
- Longest duration to sing and play Carnatic music on an electronic keyboard by a child
- Maximum twist and turn hula hoop spins by a kid
- Grand Master – Rudransh Pradhan
- Maximum Doctors Pledged Digitally to Raise Awareness on Obesity