Jen Mills Tuesday 23 Feb 2021 4:36 pm
Is this something cute and endearing, or will it pop up in your dreams tonight grinning at you with its hadalpelagic eyeballs? A fisherman in Indonesia has caught a baby shark – but it’s not likely to get anyone singing the famous song.
This creature has a ‘human face’ – and in our opinion, looks a little like Casper the Friendly Ghost, if Casper was run through a washing machine and joined the KKK. Abdullah Nuren, 48, fished it out in the sea near Rote Ndao in the East Nusa Tenggara province.
To make things a little more disturbing, he first caught the mother shark in a trawler net, and then cut open her stomach, where he found three foetuses. Two of them looked as you might expect a shark to look, but one of them, as we said earlier, looks more like it would be able to start chatting to you about life in the deep sea.