Mathura Shrestha (39) a musician from Kathmandu (Nepal) has composed the shortest music bar. Usually, music is created by using 3/4, 6/8, 7/8, 12/8 beats and 70 bars but he has composed music by using 11/4 beat and only 19 bar. Mathura Shrestha recorded the 2 minute 35 seconds long song Ankha Bhitra Lukai Sake” or “I Have Hidden Inside My Eyes” at Music Network Digital Recording Studio, Kathmandu,Nepal on 4 January 2007 it took him more than six years of research from February 1998 to May 2005 to compose the song.
- Maximum hours spent in a car by an individual
- Grand Master – Agrim Varshney
- Grand Master – More Sanjaykumar Raghunath
- Grand Master – Pragati Shankar
- Grand Master – Rushik Vinayak Morade
- Largest rangoli of Shree Ram made by group
- Largest rangoli of Shree Ram made by a group
- Grand Master – Juan Christo Shiju
- Fastest kid to recall collective nouns of 50 creatures
- Maximum Neurologists Creating Awareness on Nerve Pain in a Day
- Fastest female child to complete the Chadar trek
- Fastest child to identify the flags of all countries blindfolded
- Grand Master – Sathwik Jith
- Grand Master – Ishan Biswas
- Grand Master – Muhammad Jazlaan
- Largest bike rally on an anti drug campaign
- Largest motorcycle rally on plantation drive
- Grand Master – Lata Udaykumar Kumbhar
- Maximum videos on financial literacy uploaded by a teen
- Grand Master – R. J. Livin
- Grand Master – Sai Dharshni Kamalanarayanan
- Maximum Olympiad Exams Held in a Day at a Single Venue
- Kalaivani J. – Grand Master
- Longest duration to perform Haryanvi dance on nails by a teen
- Maximum Meals Served Using E-Vehicles in a Day
- Grand Master – Izza Mariam Jibin
- Longest duration to sing and play Carnatic music on an electronic keyboard by a child
- Maximum twist and turn hula hoop spins by a kid
- Grand Master – Rudransh Pradhan
- Maximum Doctors Pledged Digitally to Raise Awareness on Obesity
- Maximum Doctors Pledged virtually to spread allergy awareness on World Allergy Awareness Day
- Highest Bone Mineral Density Camps for Patients Screenings Conducted To Prevent Osteoporotic Fracture
- Maximum distance covered by a child on a stadium track as part of a daily exercise routine
- Grand Master – Shvet Devra
- Fastest teen to read 50 shlokas of the Bhagavad Gita blindfolded
- Maximum multiplication sums answered orally by a child while dancing
- Maximum elbow to knee cross crunches in one minute
- Maximum Distance Covered by an Electric Bus
- Maximum women students from the same college certified for completing an online course on financial literacy
- Maximum Depression Screening Camps Conducted by an Organization
- Maximum Camps Conducted on Bone Mineral Density